Upside to Owning a Sugar Glider!

Even though there are allot of downsides to owning a sugar glider there are SO many benefits to getting one of these furry marsupials!

Bonding- Sugar gliders are bonding animals, they wont just walk away like a cat, or hamsters, guinea pigs,ect. If they are bonded to their owner well enough they will be perfectly fine with you picking them up, they sometimes also hang out on your shoulder. Can you teach your hamster to do that?

Time- Even though they need allot of time outside of their cage,this is good if you have time! Cats never really want to spend allot of time with humans and hamsters will usually run away the first chance they get. But sugar gliders want all of this love and attention! They will play around for hours without getting tired!

Nocturnal- I am aware most people have day jobs, or school ect. but sugar gliders are nocturnal, and are usually only awake at night, giving you plenty of time to do the things you need to before it gets dark!

Lifespan- Some people really want an animal that will live a long time. Sugar gliders can live up to 14 maybe even more years! So if you want a long lasting pet, you could consider a sugar glider!

Appearance- I know appearance is not so important, but feel like I would be leaving part of this out if I didn't mention it. Lets be honest, you probably first thought of getting a sugar glider because of their appearance at first! And I'm not going  to lie, they are probably one of the cutest animals I have ever seen! And they are exotic, making them even more favorable!

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